This is what he's been doing this month:
- TALKING! His words are: Mama, Dada, More, Ball, Thank You (ta-tu), Ta Da (this is also for touchdown ha!), Hello, Down and Hami. He also says sounds of words (aka Bunny is "Buh").
- Running. He's really picked up speed these past 2 weeks and he and B will chase each other around the house!
- He's become more independent. I trust him to wander the house more w/o my constant supervision.
- Still eating pretty much anything I put in front of him!
- Still taking 2 naps, but some days he only takes 1. I think within the next couple of months we will be down to 1 long nap. Each nap is around an hour...sometimes more/less.
- He just got his 7th tooth! I'm ready for the rest of them to come in so it will be over with...the irritability and bad sleeping is not wanted in this house!
- He can climb down the full flight of stairs with no problems or help. He's been doing it for a while, but I just now have let him do it fully on his own. Now he can go upstairs and play with B and then come down when he's done!
- He follows commands and understands what we say to him. Examples: He will go turn the TV off and I point and tell him to turn it back on and he will do it! He points to things that he wants; looks at what we point to.
- He's my wild man monkey! He's still climbing on everything and is such a BOY! Can be pretty destructive...will open a toy chest/cabinet/drawer and throw EVERYTHING out, then move on to the next. He also likes to throw things!
- His favorite toys: BALLS...he's gonna be my sports player for sure! His ABC Train, Ball popper, and anything that isn't a toy ha!
- DANCING! He used to just nod his head to the music, but now hes moving his legs! Sometimes he just dances up and down, and other times its in a circle. I'm LOVING this!