Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My life with a 2.5 yr old

Our 2.5yr old son, Brooks, is such an amazing kid! Of course, all of us parents think that about our kids. But I say this because he really does amaze me everyday. Some days, (well ok, most days) he can drive me crazy, but he's so much fun to be around. I can't believe how much he says and the things he remembers. Any of you who have kids know how fast time can fly by. I swear he was just learning to crawl yesterday, but I take another look at him and he's tall, running around, and telling me what he does and doesn't like. He's become pretty bossy and HAS to do EVERYTHING himself. I'm told this is a phase. But it seems like everything he does or is going through is supposed to be a phase. He's all of a sudden becoming scared of everything. He keeps telling me "Brooks is scared." I do hope this one is a phase. Is anyone else's kids going through or has gone through this?? I am pregnant with my second child and he thinks it's him thats going to have the baby. He will lift up his shirt and point to his belly and say "theres a baby in there!" He can't understand that there really is a baby in my belly, so I tell him I'm having a baby for him. Everyday I let him pick out his breakfast, lunch, and dinner and he almost always says the same few things, so I'll suggest something and he'll think he came up with the idea on his own. He has to have a book (or 3) read to him before his nap and bedtime or he won't go to sleep. When we watch a movie, he has to pick it out, and on those rare occasions he will actually watch the whole thing. But for the most part, he'll watch 10 minutes of it then get distracted and pick out another one, and we'll start that process over again. By the end of the day he's watched about 10 minutes of 5 different movies. But I guess this is just the life of a 2.5 yr old. I know I better enjoy how much of a Mama's boy he is now, because the next time I look at him he will be in High School and not wanting much to do with me. So I'm counting my blessings ;)

1 comment:

  1. Justus has started getting scared of things too. He had his first nightmare a few months ago. It was hard to calm him down enough to get him to tell me what it was about. Usually when he wakes up in the morning, I'll ask him what he dreamed about and he'll say, "airplanes and helicopters, and cars" but this time, when he woke up screaming, I asked him what was wrong and he said, "the helicopter came in your bed and hurt you! helicopter needs to go back to the hospital, not in my bed!!!" Same thing with thunder it seems... he didn't mind thunder before, but now, whenever he hears something that sounds remotely like thunder, he always runs to me with a big questioning look in his eyes and says, "thunder will not hurt you? thunder will not hurt you?" And as for everything being their idea, tell me about it!!

    When I had baby #2, Justus was still getting used to the idea and he tried to nurse his teddy bears a few times before just getting bored with the idea.

